Chester Creek Watersheds

The East Branch of Chester Creek rises in East Whiteland and flows 24 miles to its confluence with the Delaware River in Chester City, Pennsylvania, near the park named for William Penn’s first landing. The West Branch of Chester Creek begins near Route 202 in Concord Township, and joins with the East Branch in Aston Township. The watershed’s eastern boundary follows the Route 352 ridgeline; the boundary of the West Branch drainage basin follows Route 202.
The 67 square mile drainage area encompasses twenty municipalities and is home to approximately 110,000 residents.
Chester Creek is an attractive, winding, and often wooded stream accessible and utilized for many recreational opportunities. It is also significantly impacted by pollutant discharges to the stream, and high levels of polluted runoff from paved areas. The entire watershed is listed as impaired by Pennsylvania DEP.
CRC’s programs protect and restore the water resources of Chester Creek, and hence help preserve the quality of life it affords the residents who live in its area. By supporting CRC, you are helping to safeguard this resource for your family, for your community, and for future generations.
Chester Creek supplies on average 1,830,000 gallons per day of public drinking water (Chester County Water Resources Authority, 2001). The public water intake is located in Middletown Township below the confluence with the West Branch. The withdrawn water is pumped to Aqua Pennysylvania's Ridley Creek plant for treatment. A small drinking water treatment plant, treating on average 630,000 gpd, is located on West Chester Reservoir, in the upper reaches of the East Branch in West Goshen Township. An additional 502,000 gallons per day of drinking water are withdrawn from wells in the Chester County portion of the watershed, and 30,000 gallons per day from the Delaware County portion.